7 Mobile Home Exterior Makeover Ideas

Mobile home popularity within the U.S. has been growing steadily for the last several years. Part of this is due to the fact that mobile homes have less upkeep and expense than traditional homes, and they actually retain and rise in value in ways nearly identical to traditional homes. 

Contrary to popular belief, however, a mobile home is not necessarily meant to be mobile. Many mobile homes are situated either on private land or in mobile home parks in a permanent fashion. This has led to a wave of mobile homeowners who want to update their homes to look more like other housing styles.

Mobile Home Exterior Makeover Ideas

Mobile homes can be updated in a wide variety of ways, both inside and out to meet your style and your needs. If you’re considering give your mobile home exterior a makeover, check out these 7 ideas for inspiration. 

1. Raise the Roof

Mobile Home Exterior Makeover Ideas 1

Many mobile homes have fairly flat or low-pitched roofs, but this isn’t always necessary. Low-pitch roofs can develop a lot of problems over the years, mostly due to standing rain, snow, and other debris that can collect there.

For this reason, many people choose to raise the roofline of their mobile home, increasing the pitch. Doing so will not only transform the appearance of your home, it will also allow you a greater choice of material for roofs, as traditional shingles and other materials may not always be available for low-pitched roofs. At the same time, raising the pitch of your roof can also make the roof easier to maintain, and may reduce things like leaks over time. 

2. Add a Porch

The front porch is something that can enhance both the appearance and the function of any home, regardless of type or style. Front porches can protect your entryway from the elements, making it easier to enter and exit during inclement weather. They also give you a place to relax on nice days, so you can enjoy the outdoors.

A porch can also raise the value of your home, as porches frequently top the list of features that people want to have in their homes. Best of all, a porch will increase the curb appeal of your property – that crucial first glance that can set the tone for how people are viewing your home.

3. Add a Bay Window

Mobile Home Exterior Makeover Ideas 2

There’s nothing like a bay window in a home. From the outside, it adds character and interest, while from within, it adds light and a better view. 

Bay windows can be a beautiful addition to any mobile home regardless of its type or style. As many mobile homes tend to have smaller windows, a bay window can transform the appearance of the exterior, while flooding the interior with light at the same time.

Worried about privacy? Consider pairing a bay window with some new wood shades or decorative window treatments to match.

4. Update Your Front Door

A new front door can also make a big impression on visitors and can change the appearance of your home. Many mobile homes have very generic doors, which while functional, lack any character or style. They may also be made of flimsy material that isn’t as secure as some doors, and may be made of material that requires a lot of maintenance to look their best.

A new door can be more secure, be made of a material that holds color better so you can paint less, and may have features like decorative panels or inset glass. With or without a front porch, a new front door can be a very welcoming feature to any home.

5. Replace Your Siding

Mobile Home Exterior Makeover Ideas 3

If your mobile home is ready for new siding, consider re-siding it in steel. Steel siding, like that from TruLog can completely transform the appearance of your mobile home. Log-look steel siding can give your mobile home the look of a log cabin, but without the constant upkeep and maintenance.

Or, consider creating a different appearance by opting for steel board-and-batten siding. In either case, steel is eco-friendly, energy efficient, and can make your mobile home look unique, like nothing else around it. Best of all, it’s also easy to care for and won’t require frequent repainting or repairs, so you can enjoy its new appearance longer.

6. Add an Attached Carport

While your site may not be big enough to support a garage, you may be able to add an attached carport to shelter your car from the elements. Attached carports can come in many sizes and styles, so be sure to try to match some of the details or features from your mobile home, including the roofing. This can boost not only the function of your home’s exterior, it can also boost its value and appearance at the same time. Carports with decorative columns and other features can really add a lot of style and interest to a home. 

7. Add Some Flower Beds

Mobile Home Exterior Makeover Ideas 4

While most mobile homes don’t have yards, and therefore don’t usually landscape, that doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t have some raised flower beds around your entryway. Raised flower beds can be as large or as small as you have room for, and it’s possible to plant a wide range of flowers or decorative shrubs that can really boost the appearance of your mobile home. 

Raised flower beds can also be lined so they don’t sprout weeds, so you can have fairly maintenance-free greenery that makes your home look very inviting. 

Give Your Mobile Home a Makeover

Capitalize on the value of your mobile home by giving the exterior a makeover. Whether you want to update it to reduce the maintenance or you’re thinking of selling, these 7 makeover ideas are sure to increase both the livability and the appearance of your mobile home. Consider upgrading your exterior, and cash in on the added value.

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